New Hardbook Editions in stock!

We have 4 of our older titles now in stock as small HARDBOOK Editions! All in a Limited and handnumbered run and they look gorgeous! Similar size of our Mediabooks just a bit more slim of course.

LA POLIZIA HA LE MANI LEGATE aka KILLER COP (CP 01) – Italian Art 200 copies, German VHS Art 150 copies.

LIBERI ARMATI PERICOLOSI aka  DIRTY DEVILS (CP 03) – Italian Art 150 copies, German VHS Art 120 copies.

…E TANTA PAURA aka MAGNUM 45 (CP 04) – German VHS Art 250 copies.

MARK COLPISCE ANCORA aka THE 44 SPECIALIST (CP 05) – German VHS 200x, Italian Art 200x

All product Details see the specific details in our Online Store.

Liberi Armati Pericolosi + E Tanta Paura out now & shipping!

Liberi Armati Pericolosi aka Bewaffnet & Gefährlich (CP 03) and E Tanta Paura aka Magnum 45 aka Plot of Fear (CP 04) out now and shipping! Finally these Mediabooks arrived and all preorders are shipping. Get your copy now! Available in 3 cover variations each cover C of E Tanta Paura as the german VHS version Magnum 45 is sold out allready.

E Tanta Paura – Magnum 45 (CP 04) Bluray Mediabook out June 24th!


Italy 1976

Director: Paolo Cavara
Actors: Michele Plácido, Corinne Clery, John Steiner, Eli Wallach, Tom Skerrit, Jacques Herlin
Music: Daniele Patucchi


* English 2K Blu-Ray Premiere

* EXCLUSIVE produced Featurette with actress CORINNE
CLERY (20 min.).

* International Picture Gallery

* Trailer

* Bonus music of title track by Cineploit Artist LAWA

* Hardcover Mediabook with partial UV Spot

* 28 pages Booklet including an essay of Udo Rotenberg
(author of various Film-related Blogs in Germany) in
german and english and promotional material and stills
from the movie.

* Double Sided Poster with Italian locandia and manifesto

* 3 different cover versions available in a strict limited
numbered run of 700/550/250.


A series of murders is terrorizing Rom and the Killer is leaving cards of the Struwwelpeter children book on the victims. It´s Police Inspector Lomenzo´s (Michele Placido) case but also the private investigation bureau of Riccio (Eli Wallach) is on it. The beautiful Jeanne (Corinne Clery), who knows about bizarre happenings at the Villa Hoffmann, is getting the Inspector on a possible right path. Hoffmann (John Steiner) and his strange Flora & Fauna Club seem to be connected and there lies probably the key to the murder….

Director PAOLO CAVARA, known for his work with Jacopetti & Prosperi on various Mondo Movies but also for The black belly of the tarantula, Los Amgios or The wild eye etc. created here a wild and bizarre film, a real bastard of a Giallo and Poliziotto. Lead by investigator MICHELE PLACIDO (The Octopus, The Pyjama Girl Case, Giovanni Falcone etc) and the beautiful CORINNE CLERY (History of O, Hitch Hike, Moonraker etc), the always fantastic ELI WALLACH (The good, the bad and the ugly, MacKennas Gold, Crazy Joe etc.) has a strange role as leader of a private investigation company. The great JOHN STEINER plays the mysterious Hoffmann and even TOM SKERRITT (Alien, The Devil´s Rain, Top Gun, Poltergeist III etc) can be seen in one of his rare italian appearances.

DANIELE PATTUCHI is supporting E Tanta Paura with an outstanding and fascinating score.

E TANTA PAURA is really a hidden gem in the huge territory of Italian Genre Cinema!

Technical Specifications:

Exclusively produced Featurette with CORINNE CLERY (20 min.)

Running time: 95 minute
Picture: 1080p, 23,98 fps
Sound: DTS-HD 2.0
Audio: English, Italian, German
Subtitles: English, German

Audio: Italian
Subtitles: English, German
